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Sunday, April 02, 2006

God's Economy

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:15

The grain/seed stories: a sower went to sow some seed - some fell on this or this or this or that; a landowner woke up one morning to hear the hired hands losing it - there were weeds growing up in the fields along with the good wheat - someone must have sown the weed seed; look at the mustard seed - it's so tiny as is but can become the biggest bush of them all; and this one - (in effect) unless the grain is transformed it will only be a grain.

Transformation - the act of changing from one thing, one form, one mindset, one age, one marital status, one employment status - to something completely revitalized, renewed, refreshed, is an amazing and awe-some process.

one thing is required: surrender.

You can move from bitterness to peace - but you will have to surrender your anger or self-righteousness or thoughts of revenge. You will be required to surrender to Love itself and forgive.

Jesus promises that when we let go of that which we grasp so closely more, much more will be given. God's marvelous economy, pure and simple.


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