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Friday, September 08, 2006

Aches and pains

Getting out of bed yesterday morning I did something out of character: I looked in the full length mirror that takes up one nearly one side of my bedroom. I saw a strange, saggy, middle aged woman.... not precisely sure if I had ever seen her before or would have recognized her in a crowd. She is frumpy, dowdy, flabby.

I don't know when this transformation occurred- although I have an more than inkling about how it occurred. Several too many meals just before bed. Not enough sleep. An outrageous lack of self-discipline in the physical exercise department. Driving to and from work. Little by little the small indiscretions add up to a bulge here, an unlovely handle there.

My back has been killing me..... it is more likely I have been killing my back. Going from zero to 50-75 pounds of improper lifting technique without stretching could be one culprit. Actually, I
I have a herniated disc.... let me rephrase that - I have a newly herniated disc. One above the two that have collapsed over the years and my old auto injury. Grrrrrrrrr.

Pain is there for a reason. Fatigue is there for a reason..... and it makes sense that God would include these things in the package of our bodies to get our attention. Ignoring the signs does not make it go away.

I have decided to take a good hard look .... at both my appearance and my habits... and make some adjustments. God deserves a better temple to dwell in that the one I'm currently carting around.

Avoided the mirror lately? Summon up the courage and take a look.... and ask God's help to make some significant changes if need be. (...and remember, miracles NEVER cease!)


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