Settings One's Sights on a New Dawn

This is another picture by G.F. farmer H. L. Taplin - taken on January 5, 2008 showing dawn over the Hudson River in New York from the Tappan Zee Bridge. How appropriate we are able to display it here, with the dawn of a new year, new possibilities, new challenges, new opportunities and adventures. Tomorrow the Son rises again where there had been only darkness.
The Geranium Farm wishes you and yours, no matter the language you use:
Happy New Year!
Felice Anno Nuovo! (Italian)
Saale Nao Mubbarak! (Afgani)
Kul 'am wa antum bikhair! (Arabic)
Shuvo Nabo Barsho! (Bengali)
Soursdey Chhnam Thmeiy! (Cambodian)
Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Chinese)
Bonne Anné !(French)
Prosit Neujahr! (German)
Ake-Mashite-Omedetou-Gozaimasu! (Japanese)
S Novym Godom! (Russian)
Feliz Año Nuevo! (Spanish)
Ma-Nee-gung Bah-gawn Ta-awn! (Tagalog)
Stastny Novy rok! (Czek/Slovak)
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! (Welsh)
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! (Dutch)
Bliadhna mhath ur! (Gaelic)
Newroz Pirozbe! (Kurdish)
Godt Nyttar! (Norwegian)
Warsa Enggal! (Sudanese)
Heri Za Mwaka Mpya*! (Swahili)
Iyo Sanad Cusub Oo Fiican! (Somali)
Feliz Ano Novo! (Portuguese)
Kenourios Chronos! (Greek)
photo Copyright © 2008 Henry L. Taplin
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