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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blue Christmas Antedotes

Some of us are having a 'blue' Christmas ... and may feel more than a tad like Charlie Brown: a loser, ruining anything they touch. Christ had trials, fears, bouts of loneliness. He faced them. By the grace of God and our faithfulness, it CAN get better for us as well.

Try a few exercises: For those with SAD, invest in a panel of 'daylight' array bulbs, they may really help! We've turned the corner on winter and the amount of daylight will increase ever so gradually each day now.

If the inside of your home has become chaotic, cluttered, unmanageable, take a morning or an afternoon and clean ONE ROOM as completely as you can. That may mean you could get distracted when you transport the screen insert to the basement, but stay focused and head on back to the room you have chosen. Afterward you will can stand in the finished, clean room and take some pride in the fact that you have accomplished something that you long avoided.

As an act of faith, step outside the door. Exercise - take a walk, however brief, and challenge yourself to go a bit farther.

Take advantage of weekend phone rates and make a brief call to someone you haven't contacted in a while. Consciously make connections.

If the idea of attending an extended open house is overwhelming for you, choose to pay a visit in the beginning or end of the affair for a shorter period of time when fewer people are likely to be present.

Make some small token of thanks for your hosts and present it to them. That will get you outside of your head and show them you appreciate their kindness in including you.

Eat a small meal ahead of time so that you will be less likely to stuff yourself there in order to dull your feelings.

Engage in conversation: ask people questions of others and pay attention to their answers. This will enrich your listening skills and help you to be less self conscious.

And go to church ... Church is community and for those of us dealing with depression at this time of year, knowing deep down that we are part of something bigger than ourselves is vital.

Well, those are just a few suggestions. Remember you are loved - God so loved the world that He sent His own Son. That child was 'at risk' from his conception onward, but Jesus kept on keeping on. Others helped Him along the way and others will help you as well. Believe that.

In the end, even the nay-saying gang Charlie Brown hangs with came to support him. Check out this clip and let the corners of your mouth turn upward. Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!


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