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Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Stations of the Cross written by an Episcopal Blogger

Gifted blogger, physician and 'first generation Episcopalian', Maria L. Evans of Kirksville, MO has written a fine order of Stations of the Cross. She has graciously given permission for others to use her work, provided that you give her appropriate (and, in my opinion, well-deserved) credit.

This form may be used for personal devotion or in a congregation on Good Friday. Click on the following link to go directly to Maria's blog for her original Stations of the Cross: The full text is the entry dated March 27, 2010.

Thank you so very much, Dr. Evans, for this thoughtful resource. Your own Lenten discipline will benefit so many!


Blogger Kirkepiscatoid said...

Thanks for the shout out!

12:23 AM  

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