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Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
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Friday, February 17, 2017

Resources for Lent

Just after you've finally polished off that last tin of Christmas cookies and gently removed the Valentine's day chocolate ring from around your mouth,  a culinary icon looms before us all ...

a traditional stack of Shrove Tuesday pancakes due to appear on a table in a parish hall near you on February 28th! 

Yes, dear friends, it's THAT time again; only two Sundays remain in Epiphany-tide!  Until Ash Wednesday, March 1 we may, without too much guilt or remorse, " Laissez le bon temps rouler!" if we so choose.

That being said, it might be wise to have a plan of action in place to be spiritually prepared to enter into the church's most solemn season of the liturgical year.

One practice readily available to us all is making a habit of utilizing one or more of the different forms of daily prayer or abbreviated Devotions found in the Book of Common Prayer (p. 37 - 140).

Mo. Barbara Crafton's "Almost Daily eMos from the Geranium Farm" by in large focus on the scriptural readings appointed for Morning Prayer on individual days. 

If you are not currently a subscriber and do not receive these emails from the Farm in your inbox/on your phone, I encourage you to join the eMo Subscriber's List to receive her brief meditation or essay, complete with accompanying artwork and the pertinent Daily Office readings.  Just send me an email at: and I'll be happy sign you up.  Alternatively, if you're an avid Facebook user, simply go to The Geranium Farm Page (Community).  I post the daily offering there as well, no subscription required.

Some other suggestions:

Episcopal Relief and Development will offer Lenten meditations.  Sign up using this link:

Society of St. John the Evangelist is offering their Lenten meditations, entitled "5 Marks of Love".  Sign up using this link:


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