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Monday, March 13, 2006

Maintaining Life

I was channel surfing as I was half dozing off the other night, doing a fast-forward through the reality (?) shows, the music videos where young women are absolutely oblivious to something known as 'low back syndrome', the info-mercials for: ladders, diet plans, rotisseries, knives, makeup, anti-acne regimes, CD complilations by era and four different products with "Ab" in the title.

After so much as imitated left-over cold oatmeal I came upon a documentary in which a son was interviewing his octogenarian + mother and several of her fellow residents in a nursing home.

Mother, let's call her June, was amazing- she had only one of her own legs, the other was, in her words "bionic". Having outlived her family, friends, husband and a child, she still maintained a zest for life. There was a thread through her story and all the other stories. Although none of them had ever been wealthy, incredibly handsome/beautiful, professional scholars or professors of philosophy, each (despite cataracts and advanced years) had a spark, a zest, a thirst for knowledge, allegiance to community and showing compassion and concern beyond their own day to day living and limitations. The read voluminously. They listened to the radio or books on tape. They made a point of meeting and greeting the visitors that came into their home - whether to visit them or another of the residents. Even as the outward frame that held their organs was failing or frail, they were intentional about showing their faith by extending their spirits far beyond any limitation of their finite mortal frame. According to June , "I pray for them, you know. The boys that deliver the meals, the cooks, those sweet nurses, the young man that comes to play the piano for us, Mrs. Sullivan who comes with her dog sully. Mr. Jenkins granddaughter who is giving a dance recital next week......" She just went on an on. Her job now was to pray. Her job was to reintroduce younger people into the experience of gratitude. [It seemed to me that June was a natural at this kind of work - she had done it for years and would continue to do it as long as she could] As she went through her day showing kindness and blessing, blessings and gifts have been showered on her.... and her gratitude is real and heartfelt.

Growing and maintaining life in a parish is so far beyond the roof and the leaking foundation.... or the grandeur of the stained glass or the grounds or the sound system. Maintaining a vital community demands some attention to the physical plant.... and far beyond that to the discipline of personal and corporate prayer.... in word and deed. Having and maintaining parish vitality is dependent upon outreach, evangelism, identifying a local social/charitable need and gathering forces to address that need.

Like a Chinese menu, make a selection in each column: education, evangelism, local cause/charity, diocesan cause/charity, world-wide church cause/program...... and then make certain that the buildings (and leadership) you have are supported and maintained in order that they may be used for works of both praise and mercy.

June, the videographer's mother was pretty down to earth in her philosophy: "Any day I get up is a damn good day" "Smile when you see someone else - you both have wrinkles or you both will" "A good attitude lasts longer than a good drink". Thanks for the wisdom, June... if we're smart we will consider applying that wisdom to both our community and private lives!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is you that have broken the covenant with the Lord which was made with your fathers and the Lord. Therefore, evil will come upon the residue of this people which you will not be able to escape. You have gone a whoring after false gods and have mingled them together with the good things of the Lord. You have become altogether unclean before the Lord and have lost your way.
The words of man have become more important than the words of the Lord. You have become puffed up in yourself and are most proud, not hiding your nakedness, but flaunting yourself to other look to them to cover you and protect you.
Call to the nations of the earth to save you now...they will not hear you. The enemy that you share your food and land with will devour the residue, and God will allow this to happen because you thought that your beauty was greater than all else, but you will be exposed. You have lifted yourself up and sit as a queen upon a throne, but you will be brought down low.
You are Jacob. You are not Israel. Sin has been found at your doorpost. The travail that you go thru, even now, is the great sin that has been found in you, Oh Jacob...The great travail that you go through will purge and make white only a remnant of this people. You do not fear the Lord your God. You go to other nations crying for them to come and deliver you from your enemies.
God has allowed all of these things to be so because pride, great pride in your own beauty, has caused you to go a whoring.
You were covered with badger’s skins, tapestry, pearls, great precious stones, fine linen, silk, a beautiful crown upon your head, but you would not have it so. You added by great measure, other religions, beliefs of man, and sayings from rabbis, that spoke as though God had spoken...when He did not. You incorporated it into and ONTO yourselves. Now the whole becomes worthless.
The garment that God alone gave you was not enough. You added to it more and more until the whole is tainted. Now God will plead with you, harshly for what you have done. Sword, Famine, Pestilence, and Plague will come. Only those who will be broken and contrite will God save to Himself.
The blood of chickens will be death to you. The money as an act of atonement will be an astonishment. This money that you wave as a sin offering, as an atonement, as your redeemer for your soul will be thrown down in the streets. For some it is a god, for others a redeemer. This idol will also be brought down.
These gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, they shall perish from off the earth. All the calamities that are around the world are all gods that are being torn down. A Cry has gone out.
The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. God has made the earth by His Power, He has established the world by His Wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens by His direction. When He utters His Voice, there is a great multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightnings with rain, and brings froth the wind out of His Treasures.
All gods will be brought down. To this perverse generation, parables will be spoken. Parable upon parable....To a generation that has blinded eyes and deaf ears they will not see nor hear what the Spirit of God speaks.
The understanding from the heart, a broken and contrite heart will hear and understand all the calamities. God desires mercy more than judgement.
To a wicked and perverse generation they will run to and fro looking for answers...but none will be given. There is a remnant of people who have humbled themselves to the Lord. The Lord will lead them through the storm. They will know His Voice and He will draw them to Him.
The Voice walking....the Word....the Candlestick....the Mercy Seat....the still small Voice....the Thunder....the Great High Priest....the Alpha and the Omega....the Beginning and the End....the All in All....the One True God.
Show us, Mighty One of Israel, Your Ways, teach us to walk before You, with fear and trembling. We will run to You and hide in the shadow of Your Wings. Let us despise evil and cling to the Way of Life. Be our Teacher and Guide. Take your people to the wilderness and show Yourself to them. This Way will be hard, but You promise to never leave. Let your people come to You.
Let your enemies be our enemies. Let your enemies be confounded and destroyed. For your Name’s Sake, save the remnant of Jacob....and let them be turned back again to You, and be Israel, One Nation under God.
To the ecumenical church that proclaims to know the Truth, God will expose your nakedness before the world and will make you desolate, and utterly destroy you because you have made yourself a whore. The world will destroy you because God has put it in the heart of the world to come together and destroy you.
The ones that come against think that it is an easy thing that you come against Israel? You say that it is easy to destroy though you were picking up eggs from off the ground...the only reason why you are able to come against Israel is because God has allowed this to come about, but be warned....God will destroy you for coming against them and all these enemies of Israel....when the Child is brought forth, will lay these enemies at their feet. You will have to go to Jerusalem for your Atonement for a thousand years. You will be laid at their feet, because God would have it so.
Only to those whose hearts are changed and made white will God spare and call to Himself.
Isaiah 29:10-14...For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men:
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work amongst this people, even a marvelous work amongst this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is you that have broken the covenant with the Lord which was made with your fathers and the Lord. Therefore, evil will come upon the residue of this people which you will not be able to escape. You have gone a whoring after false gods and have mingled them together with the good things of the Lord. You have become altogether unclean before the Lord and have lost your way.
The words of man have become more important than the words of the Lord. You have become puffed up in yourself and are most proud, not hiding your nakedness, but flaunting yourself to other look to them to cover you and protect you.
Call to the nations of the earth to save you now...they will not hear you. The enemy that you share your food and land with will devour the residue, and God will allow this to happen because you thought that your beauty was greater than all else, but you will be exposed. You have lifted yourself up and sit as a queen upon a throne, but you will be brought down low.
You are Jacob. You are not Israel. Sin has been found at your doorpost. The travail that you go thru, even now, is the great sin that has been found in you, Oh Jacob...The great travail that you go through will purge and make white only a remnant of this people. You do not fear the Lord your God. You go to other nations crying for them to come and deliver you from your enemies.
God has allowed all of these things to be so because pride, great pride in your own beauty, has caused you to go a whoring.
You were covered with badger’s skins, tapestry, pearls, great precious stones, fine linen, silk, a beautiful crown upon your head, but you would not have it so. You added by great measure, other religions, beliefs of man, and sayings from rabbis, that spoke as though God had spoken...when He did not. You incorporated it into and ONTO yourselves. Now the whole becomes worthless.
The garment that God alone gave you was not enough. You added to it more and more until the whole is tainted. Now God will plead with you, harshly for what you have done. Sword, Famine, Pestilence, and Plague will come. Only those who will be broken and contrite will God save to Himself.
The blood of chickens will be death to you. The money as an act of atonement will be an astonishment. This money that you wave as a sin offering, as an atonement, as your redeemer for your soul will be thrown down in the streets. For some it is a god, for others a redeemer. This idol will also be brought down.
These gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, they shall perish from off the earth. All the calamities that are around the world are all gods that are being torn down. A Cry has gone out.
The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. God has made the earth by His Power, He has established the world by His Wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens by His direction. When He utters His Voice, there is a great multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightnings with rain, and brings froth the wind out of His Treasures.
All gods will be brought down. To this perverse generation, parables will be spoken. Parable upon parable....To a generation that has blinded eyes and deaf ears they will not see nor hear what the Spirit of God speaks.
The understanding from the heart, a broken and contrite heart will hear and understand all the calamities. God desires mercy more than judgement.
To a wicked and perverse generation they will run to and fro looking for answers...but none will be given. There is a remnant of people who have humbled themselves to the Lord. The Lord will lead them through the storm. They will know His Voice and He will draw them to Him.
The Voice walking....the Word....the Candlestick....the Mercy Seat....the still small Voice....the Thunder....the Great High Priest....the Alpha and the Omega....the Beginning and the End....the All in All....the One True God.
Show us, Mighty One of Israel, Your Ways, teach us to walk before You, with fear and trembling. We will run to You and hide in the shadow of Your Wings. Let us despise evil and cling to the Way of Life. Be our Teacher and Guide. Take your people to the wilderness and show Yourself to them. This Way will be hard, but You promise to never leave. Let your people come to You.
Let your enemies be our enemies. Let your enemies be confounded and destroyed. For your Name’s Sake, save the remnant of Jacob....and let them be turned back again to You, and be Israel, One Nation under God.
To the ecumenical church that proclaims to know the Truth, God will expose your nakedness before the world and will make you desolate, and utterly destroy you because you have made yourself a whore. The world will destroy you because God has put it in the heart of the world to come together and destroy you.
The ones that come against think that it is an easy thing that you come against Israel? You say that it is easy to destroy though you were picking up eggs from off the ground...the only reason why you are able to come against Israel is because God has allowed this to come about, but be warned....God will destroy you for coming against them and all these enemies of Israel....when the Child is brought forth, will lay these enemies at their feet. You will have to go to Jerusalem for your Atonement for a thousand years. You will be laid at their feet, because God would have it so.
Only to those whose hearts are changed and made white will God spare and call to Himself.
Isaiah 29:10-14...For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men:
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work amongst this people, even a marvelous work amongst this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

9:41 AM  

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