Cats and Dogs...... and Church

As St. Francis of Assisi day has just past, the idea of animals in church is still fresh in my mind.... and I'm wondering if any of the parishes you belong to out there are welcoming of non behavior challenged pets. Drop me a line here at or feel free to attach a note to the blog entry. Remember (if you don't mind) to put your name, parish and town (state/province/country). It would be wonderful to hear of your tails (oooopppps!) tales. Do any of your members bring service animals with them to liturgies? How does that work out? For or against, how do you feel about the presence of animals - on a frequent basis - to worship services at church? Let's have a bit of and exchange on the issue.
Looking forward to hearing from you-all. Fondly, DJ

Nice to see you put the important one first....yes, that would be the cat, me, Bella, Queen of all I survey.
And one small correction. The name is Isabella Vita Maria Theresa Smith. Yes, I have other names, some endearing, some human taglines. I do often go by Fifi Larue, but that is when I am feeling haughty and French, and superior (as we all know cats truly are).
The thing I don't understand is why humans have the illusion that God made them superior to all other creatures....when it is so obviously not true.
Just look at who goes off to work each day, and who is home stretched out on the comfy down sofa....hmmmmm?
Saturday morning we had Blessing of the animals at St. John's Episcopal Church. Representatives of the Humane Society were ther and most of the pets, including my cat, Priscilla, Princess of Bainbridge were rescued animals. My friend and fellow Chruch memeber put it on her blog at:
Cheers. Naomi C.
We had blessing of the animals on the lawn outside of Good Samaritan Church, Clermont County, Ohio on Sunday October 1. We had a pony, mule, several cats, several dogs, guinea pigs, reptiles and several new people stop in for the service. One of the dogs that came with his people was a therapy dog named "Blue". His final walk through the church service was while wearing a halo. I will remember that site for a long long time. Fran, Union Township, Ohio
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