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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Re-entry: Breathe on me, Breath of God!

I am back at work. After a couple of stretches of absence, I am back.

Although I had to postpone my initial date of departure, I am now putting the finishing touches on outstanding matters in order that transition to retirement will be as painless and smooth as possible.

Starting this evening I began to divest my desk of my own personal items - before I make any kind of announcement. The department I work in is still in the process of attempting to make me capitulate and take a disability benefit rather than a reduced benefit with a lump sum (with which I could pay off the balance of my mortgage. I will stand firm on this issue. It was sad enough that they have refused to go along with the near system-wide practice of buyouts for people over 55 with 25 years of service or more.... the mandatory retirement age is 60, but for certain people, exceptions are made.

I have never given my soul off for a favor or a monetary gimmick..... so the likelihood that the would either extend my contract or call me back as a retiree until I hit the ceiling (whereby getting both the retirement benefit and a maximum of $22,000/yr ) would plainly not happen.

So I have to visit the medical service so that they can see I was really sick, despite medical certificates from my doctors, an examination of their own, checking out what my health insurance premiums will be, the cost of my life insurance and a vague idea of what my monthly income will be. The northeast is notorious for getting less bang for the buck, then approach my current bank to find out what it would cost to finish payments as of a certain date. Whoa, nellie..... lots to do.

Then a break from the routine and in August starting up officially as getting the workings of the office side of the Geranium Farm organized and easy to manage. In fact, I will start that in about 10 days.

Re-entry into the work force, then a retreat, then re-entry again! Sounds like the ebb and flow of energy and life....... and my extended family, the Church, supports me in prayer. I pray that my heart and soul will flourish in a different environment..... it will, with God's help.

Emmy Lou is counting her toes waiting for the day..... nice to have her in my life as a strong companion.


I took more time than usual walking to my building today, looking at all the ready to pop tulips, the azaleas in the Hepburn garden, the children drawing with oversized chalk on the tiles of the passageway between the park benches facing each other. So many different variations to green were apparent to me today - the snappy green of a Granny smith apple in the new buds coming out on some of the limbs...... the tadpole shaped whirlygigs making helicopter patters as they blew off the tree from ahigh.

As a rule I don't slow down in the City..... I trudge at a metered pace without noticing very much. As each day counts down to the zero point I will be more diligent to take in the breezes (sans the pollen, of course). Ascension is nearly upon us... and then Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all the earth.

Give me eyes to see you, Lord - especially in these days of seasonal and life transition - and animate again this soul to new days, new challenges, new adventures, new joys. Breathe on me, Breath of God!

Hymn 508

Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure,
until with thee I will one will, to do or to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, till I am wholly thine,
till all this earthly part of me glows with thy fire divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shal I never die
but live with thee the perfect life of thine eternity.


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