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Friday, July 08, 2005

Thank Goodness for them there Seeds!

A sower went to sow some seeds...... Matth.13:1

When I was very young and heard the beginning of this parable I would just giggle and giggle to myself- because it sure sounded like a tongue-twister to me.

In these later days of my life, I listen more closely to the story. I read it and re-read it and am taken aback by something. Jesus tells us various things that have happened to the seed, but says little about the seed itself.

Perhaps those hearing the story initially completely understood the seed = the word of God. Perhaps in these days, it's important to focus more specifically that seed... the Word.

In other parables there is 'good' seed and 'bad' seed. In this story it is understood that the seed is indeed Good - worth sharing, worth spreading, worth cultivating, worth devoting time and effort to. So it is with the Word of God - worth sharing, worth spreading, worth cultivating, worth devoting time and effort to. The Seed has inherent worth. In fact, it even has worth if the birds eat it up, has worth even on rock or among the thorns. Its worth, however, is expedentially greater if it finds fertile ground, sinks down roots, springs up and bears fruit (and even more seed) for nourishment and the further propagation of the seed.....

With intention, our minds and hearts, our spirits and our wills can be that fertile soil in which the Word of God may find welcome and take root. And the fruit of that Seed will be apparent indeed.

Come to think of it, the Bible is the one packet of Seeds that has no expiration date, no ideal planting time, no restrictions to access or success. Thank Goodness for them there Seeds!


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