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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

e-Devotions from Bob Dannals

Wednesday, August 29

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. James 1:22

The Apostle James must have had a reason to speak so forcefully about the works of faith. We assume that his community needed to hear about spiritual discipline and putting their faith to good use for others. In essence he wants believers to show the substance of their faith by real action, every day... in short, "walk your talk."

Challenge and Opportunity:

We've heard the adages for many years: "his words are empty;" "she is just hot air!"; "all hat and no cattle." We've all had our moments when we were caught short of substance -- we talked big, but we didn't follow through. And we can usually catch it easily in others; some have a very keen radar on empty promises or that which is fake. Each day we can make our words and promises count by our actions, by following through.

Daily Devotionals - Based on RCL Proper 17, Year B:

Song of Solomon 2:8-13; Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10; James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


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