Church and State
Jesus said, Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin used for the tax. Whose image is this and whose title? Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's and to God the things that are God's. Matt. 22:18
Currency. The currency Jesus spoke of was used throughout the Roman empire and its acquisitions. This currency was used in commerce and most certainly to pay taxes. Keep in the back of your mind that in those days - for religious purposes - that same currency was considered by the Jews to be unclean. In fact, when you wanted to purchase an offering for the Temple your Roman money was converted to Temple money. Only money of the temple would be used to purchase a dove or a goat 'on premises' for sacrifice. Hence the story of the "money changers" on the Temple property - who were probably taking their own slice off the going "exchange rate". So Jesus asks whose likeness is on the currency - you will clearly see by that who that currency - ultimately - belongs to.
These days, it's a different matter. The church will most certainly accept 'the coin of the realm' in the pledge envelope or bake sale or endowment or mite box. It spends just fine in the church in this day and age. But still - at least in the not too distant past, was that lingering notion that if you were a spiritual person, you weren't to be handling money - the things of "the world".
The thing Jesus pointed out IS true today. The currency still belongs to the one whose image or motto is imprinted there.
We are God's currency. In the best sense, God gives us value. We are His- made in (or bearing) His image. We circulate around and, when the time comes, go back to Him alone. In Baptism after water has been poured out, the sign of the cross is made with Chrism on the forehead with the words "you are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ's own forever". What we have and what we do and what we possess is all God's because WE are God's own.
With joy and wonder and humility pray with me to remember the watermark of Baptism - inwardly visible and indelible and Jesus' words: Whose image is this and whose title? Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's and to God the things that are God's. Amen and Amen
Currency. The currency Jesus spoke of was used throughout the Roman empire and its acquisitions. This currency was used in commerce and most certainly to pay taxes. Keep in the back of your mind that in those days - for religious purposes - that same currency was considered by the Jews to be unclean. In fact, when you wanted to purchase an offering for the Temple your Roman money was converted to Temple money. Only money of the temple would be used to purchase a dove or a goat 'on premises' for sacrifice. Hence the story of the "money changers" on the Temple property - who were probably taking their own slice off the going "exchange rate". So Jesus asks whose likeness is on the currency - you will clearly see by that who that currency - ultimately - belongs to.
These days, it's a different matter. The church will most certainly accept 'the coin of the realm' in the pledge envelope or bake sale or endowment or mite box. It spends just fine in the church in this day and age. But still - at least in the not too distant past, was that lingering notion that if you were a spiritual person, you weren't to be handling money - the things of "the world".
The thing Jesus pointed out IS true today. The currency still belongs to the one whose image or motto is imprinted there.
We are God's currency. In the best sense, God gives us value. We are His- made in (or bearing) His image. We circulate around and, when the time comes, go back to Him alone. In Baptism after water has been poured out, the sign of the cross is made with Chrism on the forehead with the words "you are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ's own forever". What we have and what we do and what we possess is all God's because WE are God's own.
With joy and wonder and humility pray with me to remember the watermark of Baptism - inwardly visible and indelible and Jesus' words: Whose image is this and whose title? Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's and to God the things that are God's. Amen and Amen