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More or Less Church

Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
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Friday, January 04, 2008

"This I Believe" from National Public Radio

What do you believe? Why do you hold these beliefs? Who has influenced your belief system?

These provocative questions are the kernel of an invitation issued by NPR (National Public Radio) and forwarded to me by a Geranium Farmer from Oklahoma. If your public radio station, part of the NPR network, is the first station you turn to when listening to the radio you may already be aware of the This I Believe project. NPR has requested that each of its interested listeners to write a 350 to 500 word essay summarizing what they believe.

Click on (or cut and paste to your browser)the address below for all the details regarding this project, its genesis, and the specifics entailed in submitting an essay for consideration. Even if you never submit your essay, it may be a worthwhile endeavor to reflect on what you believe and why your believe it. If you do the exercise, the essay you produce will be the kind of document you may wish to put among your important papers or pass on to a loved one for posterity.

Who knows? Your essay may be broadcast far and wide or end up in the audio compilation NPR creates from the most popular submissions!

Monday, December 31, 2007

A Prayer for the New Year

Dearest God,

I know we are on speaking terms
because I believe You have heard me.
It doesn't feel like I've heard from
You lately..or have I?

I pray for peace, yet strife remains all around.
I pray for the Church, yet it wrestles with interpretation
of things You said or did not say and man made prerequisites.
I pray for equality, yet see disparity near and far.

I pray to do good in Your name, yet fall short.
My attention wanes, my strength cannot keep pace
with the best of my intentions.
Despite forgetting to turn to You in all things, despite
taking You for granted from time to time, I am utterly dependent upon You.

You and me are together -
even together You are the majority of One.

With Your strength alone can I chip away at the walls
I have built
between You and me,
between myself and others.

Grant me the courage to face this challenge.

The insidious growth of hatred in this world did not spread in one day.
Once planted bitterness,anger,greed,apathy and ignorance encourage its growth.
Its demise can occur when those who believe in Your unfailing forgiveness
and abiding love live Your truth. Prayer in action, love in action.

My prayer for 2008, most Holy, persevering, tenacious, gracious God,
is that I may be one who lives Your truth.

During this upcoming year tune my heart
to seek Your truth,
to listen for Your voice,
to learn Your ways and incorporate them in my life,
to speak Your love,
to remain faithful regardless of setbacks
one day at a time, one person at a time, one heart at a time.

Like your servant Francis, make me an instrument of Your peace
in and to this broken world. Amen.

Copyright © 2007 K.L.Joanna Depue (DJ)

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