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More or Less Church

Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
Send emails to: or add a comment on an existing post.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Letters, I need letters

Feeling better and better each day I'm trying to think of ways that MOLC might be helpful to those brave souls who enter the cyberportal here....

So let me tell you what I have in my trusty file cabinets that just might fill the bill-

For an adult ed class I have two "radio" plays:

Jeremiah and the $1,000/plate dinner - an intro to OT,particularly the prophets;
Creative Writing 101 - an intro to Matt, Mark, Luke, John and Paul.
I call these radio plays because neither needs props, sound effects, etc.
Those participating just read the script, no memorizing. The first is a
monologue, the second 5 participants.

Several songs/hymns on following topics:

Ministry of all People

One celebratory Eucharistic setting for guitar with a Latino flair

Native-American inspired meditation piece w/storyteller

a Christmas pagaent

an Easter Vigil for children

That's a sample. Anything interest you? Let me know and I'll post away!

I also want to encourage you to send things in.... sermons, meditations, songs, skits. There are times when something a bit different is welcome - sometimes necessary.

Doing church and doing it well stimulates the heart and mind, enriches our prayer life and our spiritual well being. It gives us the wherewithall to go out in the world "rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit". Your contributions are very welcome and appreciated!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Hodgepodge, MOLC style

Have had a few things in the hopper that don't really fall into one category or another..... the only common thread is that they deal with topics I've brought up here in the past.

Episcopalians and Saints.... isn't it a remarkable area?? Yes, we believe that some folks have come through life as shining examples of frail humanity and the strength that comes from being a disciple of Jesus all rolled into one. We don't 'make' saints, but honor their memory and witness. It often warms my heart to learn about one of these heros.... so let me give you a few sites that give info on saints (passed on by Ms. Hodgepodge herself, DSL):

Next, in connection with the prayers for and stories of animals here, I came across a book @ the Episcopal Book and Resource Center [( the national church center @ 815 First Ave in NYC] which may be helpful for those grieving the loss of a dear pet. Check out "Grieving the Death of a Pet" by Betty Carmack.... AugsbergFortress (Lutheran-based publisher).

That will do it for this installment.... If you are wondering about resources, books, music, video re: church, worship, etc, PLEASE drop me a line and I'll post it here for general info. At your service: Peace and blessing 'til the next time!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

But..... why???

This is not about the mysteries of life that elude us....

Not about bad things and good people..... or drought.... or flood.....

I'm putting two more questions out to you all because---- well, because from time to time it is good to get back to basics and motivation and evangelism.

My questions: Why do you go to church? and What compels you to attend the church you now attend?

Seems simple, but there may be a lot of layers here.

Please post your comments/responses below for us all to reflect on (and this informal poll may help me - and others - in the next stewardship campaign).

Many thanks. DJ

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Francis, friar 1226 and the world view

Francis had it made, pretty much. Good family - one with money and prestige. He had it made and decided to give it all up and embrace a poverty that most of us cannot identify with. Radical poverty. Voluntary poverty. The kind that is in the Gospels. Giving of self and means to those with less.

He espoused another dedication: identification with the suffering of Christ. Unless I'm existing in a parallel universe, this suffering concept is another one we US of A folk avoid. We avoid thinking of the agonies of Jesus and what compelled him to love so extraordinarily.

When the "Franciscan" order grew by leaps and bounds, it not-too-slowly lept away from Francis' vision and principles. The absolute poverty was just too difficult for the individual friars and their organization. Even in this, Francis forged on.

We have few of his writings - he seemed much more intent upon embodying the Gospels rather than preaching on it or writing about it. The few we have - the Canticles - have a passion for love and life and an interdependent Creation. There is a streak of spontaneous joy, profound connection, palpable humility.

The way of Francis is a bit radical... then again, the way of Christ is too when compared with the material preoccupation that surrounds us in this country. Perhaps, just perhaps, we could use a smidge of radical in our love for Christ, our fellow human beings and the world we temporarily live in.

Besides this feast, there are other celebrations going on in the world and I'd like to mention them here so that you can pass on good wishes to your acquaintances of other faith traditions:

Jewish, as they celebrate Rosh Hashanah and New Year 5766; Hindu, as they celebrate Navaratri (Celebration of Nine Nights, the Victory of the goddess Durga over a demon); and Muslim, as they celebrate the beginning of Ramadan.

God bless us every one. Amen and Amen

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