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More or Less Church

Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Five-finger prayer, version II

Have had lots of feedback on the "Five Finger Prayer" posted on October 16. This version was sent along to me by Sally Edwards and I'm happy to share it with you. Thanks again, Sally for passing it on! (p.s. When sending in a contribution it would be swell if you could mention the village and/or congregation you attend. Helps us know where all our mini Farmers are spread out over the globe!!!)

"Another version of five-finger prayer:

Thumb - Praise of God, comes first as in the Invitatory section of Morning Prayer and the opening lines of Eucharist.

Index finger - Thanksgiving. This is, after all, our "pointer finger".

Middle finger - Confession. This finger sticks out the farthest, a reminder that we need to look for the logs in our own eyes.

Ring finger - Intercessions bind us to others just as rings can.

Pinkie finger - Petitions. The shortest finger for the shortest list."

Sally Edwards

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A native-american inspired meditation/Ministry of the Word

As a few people requested, directly below you will find a link to the narrative based on the circle, or wheel which contain the seasons, the directions and passage of earthly time, its creation and a correlation with the Temptation of Christ (and his vision quest).

Native Parable

I suppose it could be broken up into different speakers and voices. Used as the Liturgy of the Word for a Eucharist, I think one speaker or storyteller would be best.

The text was "commissioned", if you will, by a woman's group as a study of Agape and Sophia - but that title need not be used. The imagery is solidly feminine, but should not be off-putting to men as the journey of Jesus is included.

To enhance the intimate setting, chairs were arranged in a circle with the altar/table on the north side and an opening between chairs there allowing entrance to the circle. At that entrance was a simple bowl of warm water and towel on a small table. There was a cushion in front of each chair in case participants wanted to sit on the floor. Silence is encouraged in the circle, taking off shoes is optional.

I hope you enjoy this and/or can adapt it to your uses. Good for Advent. I simply ask for an attribution to me from the Farm. Send me your feedback, please.

Copyright © 2005 K.L.Joanna Depue and Deacon J on The Geranium

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

All is calm, all is bright

I haven't lost my calendar. Two months before Christmas and somehow the lyric from that simple and beloved Christmas carol seems to apply to another major feast day - All Saints.

After the reverie of Halloween (for some of us, that is), All Saints seems still, pristine, hallowed. The day when all saints are remembered: everyone from Aunt Rita who used to pinch your cheeks to Anthony the Hermit.

We are all on the precipice of sainthood. In our daily lives we have opportunities and choices to make, crossroads and milestones. Our next encounter may be with another saint or someone who will challenge us to be one. Guess it's all how you look at it, or rather, it's all how you act on it.

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