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More or Less Church

Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Signs of these Times

One-liners can be catchy, clever, memorable and occasionally thought provoking.

Debbie Loeb has passed this one on for us:

"The Presbyterian Church in town had this sign:
- Good without God is 0 - "
Does your parish post a succinct message on a regular basis? Some other church board in town? Send them in to --- spread a little sunshine!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Go out into the World

Last September I posted one of my songs, but because it was tucked up in the middle of an article it probably never popped up on any radar screen.

After praying about Easter, the Good News, our Baptismal Covenant and Pentecost it occured to me that this might be a good time of year to post this on its own. It has a spiritual call-and-response kind of swing. Groups easily pop into the chorus/refrain, verses might be distributed among choir members. If you choose to use it during a service, no permission is needed, but kindly give the accredation. Enjoy!

Click here for the song: "Lead Me Out"

Copyright © 2006 K.L.Joanna Depue and DJ on

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Celebrating Pentecost

Many a head has been scratched over what is called the liturgical year.

Just to poke fun at myself - as it has recently been brought to my attention that I have very distinct speech patterns and phrases - Here is one of them-

For example: When does the Church celebrate a New Year? The last Sunday in November = the first Sunday of the new liturgical year with the first Sunday in Advent.

What is recognized as the birthday of the Christian church? Pentecost - the advent of the Holy Spirit.

Of decidedly less spiritual import but on the minds of many a vicar, priest in charge or rector is: Which is the most heavily attended regular service? Probably Christmas Eve, followed closely by the family service on Easter Sunday.

After the forty days of Eastertide the winds of change sweep through at Pentecost. Parenthetically, have you ever found it odd that the day where all the church appointments and vestments are red is also known as WhitSunday???

Different dioceses and congregations find different ways to set Pentecost apart by doing things a bit different liturgically. In my various parish placements there were different traditions and some innovations. One congregation, embracing the diversity of heritage within it had several brave souls stand up in turn and read a section of the Gospel in their language of origin while the entire Gospel was dramatically presented in American Sign Language; another congregation had inflated red and white balloons placing them in a net near the ceiling.... after the dismissal the net was pulled and the balloons came tumbling down to oooooohs and aaaaaaahs; another handed out bottles of bubbles for everyone to enjoy after the service.

Some communities are blessed with an abundance of congregants in the fine and performing arts. Although less abundant than 'Easter Sunday' music, a new hymn or rousing chorus could be written to send the church out into the world; the Gospel can be transformed into a performance piece with many speaking parts (maybe even sound effects!); the gift of the Holy Spirit would be a marvelous thing to be interpreted through liturgical dance.

These are simply recollections that may serve as a springboard to consider different liturgical options. How does your congregation celebrate Pentecost? Be my guest to forward your reflections or pieces or pictures to me here at for posting so that we can all enjoy them!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bumper Sticker time.......

Many people want to serve God, but only as advisors.

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