Always a Bridesmaid: St. Andrew, November 30
Andrew is the quintessential bridesmaid. He may have even introduced the two who were meant for a special relationship with each other, but that will be simply an anecdote in history and not the main story.
Andrew had been a follower of John the Baptist and was told by John to join Jesus. It was Andrew who introduced Peter to Jesus by most accounts. The rest is history with Andrew always listed as one of the twelve who shared the constant company of Jesus. His destiny was not to be the star. He was in the chorus.
If we have a streak in us -- I speak from personal experience -- to be noticed, praised, have attention drawn to us in one way or another, Andrew should be our patron saint (if not John the Baptist whose motto was: He must increase, I must decrease). They got the job done, pointed people in the right direction and stepped back into the chorus, into the background with everyone else. It's the Christian way.
Thank you Andrew, my patron saint. May your example inspire me more and more so that more are drawn to Jesus, the Christ.
Andrew had been a follower of John the Baptist and was told by John to join Jesus. It was Andrew who introduced Peter to Jesus by most accounts. The rest is history with Andrew always listed as one of the twelve who shared the constant company of Jesus. His destiny was not to be the star. He was in the chorus.
If we have a streak in us -- I speak from personal experience -- to be noticed, praised, have attention drawn to us in one way or another, Andrew should be our patron saint (if not John the Baptist whose motto was: He must increase, I must decrease). They got the job done, pointed people in the right direction and stepped back into the chorus, into the background with everyone else. It's the Christian way.
Thank you Andrew, my patron saint. May your example inspire me more and more so that more are drawn to Jesus, the Christ.