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Joanna Depue "DJ/Deacon J" writes original songs and liturgies, does daily Farm office work and records Barbara's eMos on The Geranium Farm. A singer and dog trainer she utilizes healing touch in her private massage practice. PLEASE share YOUR original ideas for worship, special liturgies, prayers, songs, sermons and noteworthy blogs right here.
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Concert to Benefit Haitian Relief Efforts

If you are in the New York Metro area, you might consider attending this concert at Trinity Church, Wall Street on Wednesday, February 24, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. to benefit relief efforts in Haiti. Click here for more details:

If you are NOT in the area, but would enjoy the concert, use the above link and watch it via webcast live and on-demand. Podcasts will also be available ... same link, same station!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Articles, blogs and websites related to Haitian conditions and relief

"The Talmud reads, 'Never pray in a room without windows.' Never pray without the world in mind, in other words. The purpose of the spiritual life is not to save us from reality. It is to enable us to go on co-creating it." Sr. Joan Chittister

There are so very many ways for us to direct some charity to the building of Haiti. Experts would agree with my use of the word building instead of rebuilding. During my stint at the United Nations, beginning in 1979, my Haitian colleagues would relate the state of affairs (or lack thereof) of their governmental infrastructure. It was no surprise that - when the quake hit - Haiti was ill prepared for its consequences. A quick read on Wikipedia will give you some background.

Let me list here websites, articles and blogsites that will give you specifics about what is going on and how you might help:

Websites and Church Dispatches:

For 'All Haiti, All the Time' there is no better place to go than:
The Rev. Lauren Stanley was appointed Missionary of The Episcopal Church to the Diocese of Haiti in September 2009.

For the Francophone's among us, go to the website of the Diocese of Haiti:; an English version of some articles can be found at: (n.b. crise= crisis).

The Sisters of St. Margaret have been involved in ministry in Haiti for years. Their website will give you additional information and resources:

As always, videos and articles are posted on Episcopal Life Online, including photos and a message from our Presiding Bishop:

The Anglican Church of Canada keeps us all updated on its activities at:

For information about the response by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is involved in, go to:

To make contributions:

We here at The Farm recommend Episcopal Relief and Development:

To donate or for medical personnel to volunteer, go to: or

The Huffington Post has an extensive list of organizations providing aid to Haiti:


A Presbyterian pastor has written a hymn for Haiti, posted on the website of the National Council of Churches:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Message from the Bishop of Haiti

Your congregation may or may not have this bulletin insert available this upcoming Sunday, so I'll post it here - from the Episcopal News Service. Click this link for the pdf document:

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